Genetic Inclinations…

I got this inclining when I suddenly had an urge for some fries w/ketchup & it made me wonder bcz it actually stemmed from my bullet wound. That joint still down in my leg from ricocheting off of my hip bone. So there’s still slight soreness at that conjunction. W/that being said My #SexTherapy Aspirations are/were very real, but anyway. SO I’m like gyrating my hip trying 2 keep my circulation good right there. So I’m like backed up I’d deduce so it was like a moment @back2TheFuture where balls, semen, offspring, children were talking, speaking, relaying. A message that they would like some french fries & ketchup! 8]~

About bigcityjoe

Poet currently, former on air personality, & assistant coach, mentor, public servant at the post office, all around great guy to know!
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